Saturday, 9 December 2006

Matrix in wonderland

        最近又開始莫名想起最愛的一句電影台詞:There is no spoon。


        The Matrix號稱是世紀大爛片,至少這是前兩天聽同學提起的評語。只好笑笑說我就是喜歡垃圾片,聳肩。

        可是一樣鬼扯的Alice in Wonderland大家就覺得是經典、同樣不合邏輯的The Wizard of Oz就是充滿想像力?這裡要quote一下:off with their heads~

        前兩天無聊之餘把skype的暱稱改成There is no spoon。可憐我老媽在台灣家裡看到一定滿腦袋問號。

        今天趕功課的同時想起昨天跟一個醉醺醺(他這麼堅持)的奧籍Londoner在skype上聊天時,他打招呼的用語是"there really is no spoon? so what is the truth?"

        Is there a truth?

        我在There is no spoon下面寫著一串話:make a wish and walk through the looking glass...; whatever you wish for could become true, but what if the truth isn't true?

        There is no spoon在the Matrix裡其實只是類似一種no boundries, no limits的鼓勵,卻被我用來作為一種似是而非的質疑。


        -- 夢囈般的雜唸。

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