Tuesday, 7 November 2006





        聊了一會天,我放他去上班;回頭紐約的朋友也上線了。這個月初開始上班的他,msn的標題還停在Day 1。我笑他像Groundhog Day這部電影裡面的氣象播報員,被困在同一天裡重複同樣的生活。

        肚子餓了,我泡了包乾拌麵吃掉。考慮著明天要不要把泡麵搬到廚房裡面放,省得easy access想吃就有得吃。


        安靜的夜實在太寂寞,我放起音樂,Daniel Powter、Corinne Bailey Rae、Alexander跟Jem的組合感覺其實並不適合深夜。

        當Alexander的聲音唱起Anything is possible的時候,我裹著毛毯走到窗邊。



        Oh why, oh why you are crying!

        How many times, oh he said goodby 

        oh why, oh your heart is dying

        oh these tears, they will never dry

        can't you see, he's lying to you

        but you will see - that he's the fool

        Anything is possible, my baby 

        every night I kiss away your pain 

        anything is possible an maybe 

        oh tomorrow love will never be the same


        Oh why, you follow a rainbow 

        take your time, where do you go from here

        oh why, there is a tomorrow

        strong enough, oh to cry a tear 

        can't you see - how beautiful you are 

        and can't you see - your're shining like a star

        Anything is possible, my baby 

        every night I kiss away your pain 

        anything is possible an maybe 

        oh tomorrow love will never be the same



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