Tuesday, 30 September 2008







         另外咧,除了上次講到breakfast, lunch, dinner/supper/tea之外,我還被老爸上了幾堂飲料教育。說起來男友跟他老爸也都是奇葩之類的人物,男友的口音也不是曼城口音也不是yorkshire,他老爸更是曼城混蘇格蘭跟混不知道哪裡...昨天晚上問我have you eaten more properly today?我硬生生聽成have you seen any more properties today?全家笑成一團的時候老爸幽幽的說以前老媽也是困惑很久不知道他在講啥...兒子更是到現在有時候要聽懂他講話還有difficulty。

         茶啊,英國人真的很愛tea。咳嗽,tea;淋雨,tea;下班,tea;起床,tea;哭完,tea;笑完,tea;感冒,tea;吃飯前,tea;吃完飯,還是tea...。問要不要喝茶,除了以前學的would you like a cup of tea? do you want a cup of tea?還有更妙的說法:wanna (want a) brew/cuppa?

        因為喝茶要brew,燒水,所以要不要燒水,要不要喝杯熱的,自然而然就成了茶的代名詞。至於cuppa,顯然是cup of的縮減。根本連cup of什麼都不用講了,直接就是tea的代名詞。

        英國人排名第二的飲料應該是500多cc的大杯啤酒。動輒就被問wanna go have a pint?

        台灣啊,啤酒就是beer,頂多就是生啤酒這種分別。英國名目就多了:lager,ale,ale還分bitter,stout...另外加上各種cider蘋果酒。至於lager/ale還有分是draught是bottle是can的差別。至於什麼是哪種,我除了知道Stella跟1664是lager,Newcastle有brown ale,還有Guinness是stout之外(很多還是老爸講了兩三次才搞懂),什麼是哪個,差別又在哪裡,還是一點都沒概念。

         其實人家wanna have a pint問的就是要不要出去喝一杯,跟台灣的用法滿像的。不過跟台灣比起來,英國喝一杯的場合實在是平易近人很多;在平日晚上九點跟假日晚上七點以前,英國喝一杯的場合還是合家歡的場合。到現在有時候,男友在pub打工,有時候跟著去的時候會看到爸媽坐在座位上聊天,打發跟吧台一樣高的小朋友去買一杯啤酒。看到小朋友在pub裡面晃蕩來去我還是很不習慣。



Friday, 19 September 2008




     前些日子一直很想抱怨文章分類被越搞越複雜;以前碎碎念就隨手選個「隨手亂寫」就成了,後來竟然變成非女人心事不可;憑甚麼男人就只能有話題,而女人又只能有心事呢?尤其在英文環境下,這分類更是莫名:feeling竟然說是sexual...更妙的不是women's talk就是men's talk,或者homo、sex talk跟love stories...最好是大家feeling都在這檔事上面轉來轉去。



Tuesday, 16 September 2008

And then my computer died

        It turned out that my computer didn't like the fact that I was using it, it seems. It officially decided to lay down and die on Sunday, the 14th of August, 2008. It has been with me for a total of 2 years and 4 months.

        The syndromes started a couple months before. It started crashing all the time, showing me a lot of the scary blue screen of death and so on. But after re-booting it always seemed preforming OK so I never took it seriously. 

        I was going to re-install the system but couldn't be bothered with the hassle while working on the exams, working on the dissertation, working on this or that..., so I put if off once and again...

        I did try at one point to reinstall the whole thing. Format the hard drive and all that annoying crap...sitting in front of it for a full night and turn it into a healthy happy laptop but i just had better things to do. I wrote to my dad asking for another installation disk because just as usual I lost the old one.

        Then came along the dissertation which I officially started and finished within a month. People usually take 2 or 3 months for it so it is easy to imagine my haste and the crammed time, reading, writing, revising, proofreading, meeting, blablabla....

        In other words..., I forgot about my laptop's health completely.

        After the dissertation was handed in I already packed most of the driver CDs away and either shipped them to Manchester or stashed them in boxes in the living room. Then came the moving which only took a day, and the house and job hunting which is still going on...

        Unpacking is still on the list and the laptop already decided it is not going to wait for my mercy any longer.

        It's going back home before I do, it was decided. Back to Taiwan where engineers would try and savage your data before trying to wipe everything clean. In the UK even though you just told them the screen is pitch black and you can't see a thing that's going on in there, they say you are responsible of backing up the data yourself. "Well, that is rather difficult when you can't see a thing that is going on there, is it?"

        "I am sorry but we do not do data recovery" is their reply.

        I am trying to install Chinese input on this very British computer for now. Then maybe just a touch of my computer focused life can be a little bit more "normal". But since I did something stupid the day my laptop crashed I am not allowed to use the administration account on this computer anymore, grounded by my boyfriend.

        So it has to wait.

        Hopefully I can be back online with my own laptop before November. Until then, everything is just chance.

Saturday, 6 September 2008



        才剛剛離開,我就開始想念。新堡好近的天空跟熟悉的一切。男友一路偷偷問我You ok?點點頭眨眨眼,硬是把淚跟酸楚逼回。我看著窗外發呆,看著雨落下,看著紅銅鏽的奇怪天使目送我離開,看著車行過一塊一塊指示著The South的路牌,看著熟悉的地名一個一個從路牌底端上往上移動,然後消逝。





